Friday, January 25, 2008

Changi beach park intertidal walk

On 23rd January 2008, I went to Changi Beach Park for a intertidal walk. November was our guide for the day. We found lots of different marine animals, such as starfish, jellyfish, sea anemone, sea hares and hermit crabs. We even found a starfish with a regenerating arm. I accidentally put a button shell with a hermit crab inside it together with a starfish, and the starfish almost ate the hermit crab up!Oopsy!


Ria Tan said...

Oh dear! Luckily the hermit crab got away? :-)

Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more posts!

Joe Lai said...

Oh yes, we have to be very careful putting different kinds of creatures in the same viewing container. The poor things... they may attack each other. However, I think it is a valuable experience for you so that you can avoid doing the same thing again the next time. But most important of all, you wrote and shared your experience with others. Wow! By sharing your experience with others, you are also teaching others about the correct way of handling animals. Isn't that great? : ) I am so proud of you! Keep writing and keep smiling!